Designing Heating and Cooling Systems in Large Buildings
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Designing Heating and Cooling Systems in Large Buildings

Have you ever wondered what goes into a heating or air conditioning system for a large office building or another large building like a mall or a school? My name is Evelyn, and I am an HVAC architect. I design heating and air conditioning systems for large, corporate buildings. Making sure that a large building with many rooms or offices is efficiently heated and cooled is a very large job and is much more complicated than simply heating or cooling a home. This blog will educate the reader on how heating and cooling jobs this large are designed and completed.


Designing Heating and Cooling Systems in Large Buildings

Four Places In America Where Furnace Repair In Summer Is The Hot Thing To Do

Nicole Jacobs

It is summer. The sun is bright, the days are hot, or at the very least, warm. The furthest thing from your mind is furnace repair services. However, there are actually some parts of the country where furnace repair is a big deal right now. Here are four locations, and why furnace repair in these areas is the hot thing to do in the middle of the hot season.

Northern Shores of the Great Lakes

Weather is always cooler along the shores of these lakes. This is especially true of the northern shores of these lakes. Whether you vacation here, or you live here, there is a pretty good chance that you are still operating a furnace at full blast in early to mid summer. (The northern shores of Lake Superior and Lake Michigan are the coldest of all.)

The American Southwest: Desert Territory

Deserts of the American Southwest can be boiling by day and chilly at night. Just when you adapt to the ninety- to one-hundred-degree temps during the day, the temps dip below forty or fifty at night. It is a brutal place to live if you do not like the extreme temperatures. People who live here often rely on both air conditioner and furnace all year long, with nary a break between the uses of these two appliances. In fact, if air conditioning and furnaces are going to break down often, they are likely to do it here.

High in the Mountains

Summer in the mountains is more like spring everywhere else. The nights are cold, and the days are warm, but if you live high enough up, you may be operating that generator and that furnace or heating appliance often. Wood stoves are common in these parts, but other types of heating are available too. A boiler, coal stove, pellet stove, or electric furnace all need some repairs now and then if you are going to stay warm at night in the mountains.


That about says it all, does it not? Even though Alaska has between three and four warm months of the year, they are still the coldest state in the Union. During their very short spring/summer season, the nights are still chilly. In the eight or nine winter months, you could die without a furnace or some form of heat. If you live in Alaska, heating is your lifeline, and you need to keep it in tip-top shape, even in spring/summer.

Reach out to a furnace repair service in your area for more information. 
