Have you ever wondered what goes into a heating or air conditioning system for a large office building or another large building like a mall or a school? My name is Evelyn, and I am an HVAC architect. I design heating and air conditioning systems for large, corporate buildings. Making sure that a large building with many rooms or offices is efficiently heated and cooled is a very large job and is much more complicated than simply heating or cooling a home. This blog will educate the reader on how heating and cooling jobs this large are designed and completed.
Nicole Jacobs
The cost of heating your home for the winter is high enough without wasting money on unneeded heating costs. Sometimes, it just takes a little upfront investment to ensure that you're not wasting money on your heating bill. Here are some things that you can do to ensure that your heater performs smoothly.
Avoid Wasted Air
Perhaps one of the best things that you can do to conserve your heating expenditures is to make sure that all of the air that's heated is used to its fullest. For one, this means shutting any vents that lead to rooms you don't use all that often. It's the equivalent of directing all heated air to the core of the home. And if you do need to use one of these other spaces, it's just a matter of opening the vent and waiting 15-20 minutes for the room to heat up.
Another thing to look at is how your home is conserving heated air. A home energy auditor is a good person to consult for this. They can use a high powered fan to blow air through your home and then measure how much of it escapes, and from where. From this, they will create a report for you of the home areas that need the most improvement in their insulation. Common culprits of air escaping include improperly sealed windows and wall corners that aren't insulated and sealed correctly.
Check on Your Furnace Performance
Next, you'll want to have a heating contractor look at your furnace performance. There are some tasks that need to be done every year. For example, something as simple as a dirty air filter can affect performance; it's taxing for your heating system to push air through a clogged filter. Cleaning the combustion chamber is another task that's simple enough to do, but removing impurities from the combustion chamber can have a big impact on your fuel use throughout the winter. And aside from that, getting a routine heater repair and inspection will keep your furnace running longer, since performing inefficiently takes its toll on a furnace quickly.
Program Your Thermostat to Conserve Energy
One final piece to look at is your thermostat. Technological improvements in thermostats make it much easier to conserve energy when you're not around. For instance, you could look for a thermostat that's programmable; you can set the heat to go on or off at certain times of the day. Another thing to consider is an occupancy sensor, if you have many family members to keep track of; it will kick the heater into higher gear when more people are present.